‘Ways to Win Failure’
Dr.M.Sivakumar, M.D., D.M.,(NEPHRO)
Madurai Kidney Centre & Transplantation Research Institute
6/6 B-2 Sivagangai Road
Ph : 91-(0)452-2584397 (CLINIC) 91-(0)452-2584566, 4392267
Fax : 91-(0)452-4393367
Email : nephshiva@gmail.com, maduraikidneycentre@gmail.com
What is chronic kidney disease? Chronic kidney disease (CKD) means that kidneys are not working as well as they once did. Various conditions can cause CKD.
Incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has doubled in the last 15 years.1.50 lakh new patients of end-stage CKD requiring dialysis or kidney transplant are added to the existing lot in our Country.
Diabetes (29.7%),Chronic Glomerulonephritis (19.3%), Hypertension (14%),Chronic interstitial disease and Vesico-ureteral reflux (12.6%), Obstruction and Calculus (9.3%) are the major culprits of CKD
People with any stage of Renal disease have an increased risk of developing heart disease or a stroke. This is why it is important to detect even mild kidney disease, as treatment may not only slow down the progression of the disease, but also reduces the risk of developing heart disease or stroke.
Step 1 - Who is at risk? Identifying at early stage:
Who are prone to develop Kidney disease? Kidney screening tests should be done for Diabetic patients, Patients with high blood pressure, People with a family history of kidney diseases, the overweight or obese population, People over 50,and Smokers. The complaints may be subtle or obvious like - Ankle and leg swelling, leg cramps; Going to bathroom more often at night ; nausea and vomiting ;Weakness, paleness and ; Itching; and Less need for insulin or antidiabetic medicationsin diabetics. If so, subject themselves for simple tests like blood pressure checking ,Urine tests to look for protein leak or abnormal cells and blood tests to detect elevated Urea and Creatinine.
Step 2 – Regular treatment:
If any one comes to know that he has kidney disease, one need not despair, but commit themselves to undertake lifelong therapy with compliancy. Amazing medications such as insulin for sugar, angiotensin receptor blockers for BP control, Statins for Cholesterol , and moreover kidney disease specific therapy are within our reach that retards the speed of progression of kidney disease. Most important of all these is motivation of patients for simple blood pressure checking ,diet control and exercise. Ultimately, patients are ‘Self Managers’. Such approaches will definitely give them extra leash of life. Finally, consuming pain killers and drugs over the counters should be abandoned by any cost.
Step – 3 – Managing Advanced disease
Hemo dialysis, Peritoneal dialysis and Kidney transplantation are three ways by which an advanced kidney disease patients can be managed for decades. The renal transplantation is the gold standard therapy. But ,Unfortunately, Only a 5 to 7 per cent of them are able to get someof these forms of treatment, while the rest die without getting any definite healthcare intervention.. Believe this ... India is second to
United states in doing more kidney transplants in the world, inspiteof all these issues . To create awareness among public, the message of this year World Kidney Day is ‘DONATE - KIDNEYS FOR LIFE - RECEIVE ’. With the knowledge of this life saving measure, doing with in legal frames ,definitely revolutionise the management this epidemic disease . This is very much relevant in our country rather than Western Society. Kidney donation from the first degree relatives of the patients are very much feasible ,since they are more attached and concerned in our Indian family setting.Ultimately,Donation of organs from Cadavers by the public , to these ailing people, not only push India to top the the list of doing more number of kidney transplants, moreover, it will revitalize the sufferings.